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Year 3

Key Information

Welcome to the Year 3 class page.

Class Teachers

3HW - Miss Wildbore and Mrs Haer

3OJ - Miss Jefferson

Learning Facilitators 

Mrs Thakor

PE days: 

PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please ensure children are dressed in the correct kits. 

Kit consists of black shorts or joggers and a white t shirt. If needed children can also wear a black hoody. These should be plain without logos. 

Home Learning

Year 3 homework will consist of,





The children will need to learn 10 spellings each week. We will send out the weekly spelling list and these will be tested on a Monday. The children will be focussing on a times table each week, they will need to practise this times table at home and we will have a test on a Monday. In addition the children will receive a maths book, the expectation is that 1/2 pages are completed each week. The book needs to be returned to school on a Tuesday. Every week we ask that you listen to your child read 3 times weekly and complete the reading diary

Topic Web

The children can complete additional topic homework if they would like to. If your child completes any additional topic homework, please send it into school so we can celebrate what they have completed and share it with the class. 

English - Leon and the Place Between

Leon and the place between
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