Late/Absence Procedures
Excellent attendance at school is essential to ensure that your child has the best chance of success. The Government expectation for attendance is a minimum of 97% and parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends regularly and on time. Anything less than 97% gives cause for concern.
There is a direct link between good attendance and a child’s achievement. It is simple, the more time a child spends at school means the more time they have to access the learning needed for their progression.
If your child is unable to attend school then please follow these procedures:
On the first day of absence you will need to contact school to report the reason for absence. Contact the school by phone on 02476 365999. When contacting school please give your child’s name and class and the nature of the illness. If nobody is available to take your call then please leave a message. The a member of staff will follow up any unreported absences with a phone call or home visit.
Medical appointments
We would expect any routine dental or optician’s appointments to be made out of school time. If your child has an unavoidable medical appointment, please bring the appointment letter/card as soon as you receive it. Your child should attend school until you need to collect them for the appointment.
Medical conditions
We understand that unfortunately some children have a medical condition that might have an on-going impact on their attendance. Please ensure that you share all medical conditions and related appointments with us so that we can support in the best way possible.
Leave of absence during term time will not be authorised and should be arranged during the school holidays. Where family holidays are taken without the permission of the school, parents can be given a Penalty Notice (a fine). If you need your child/children to be absent from school due to exceptional circumstances then please fill out a leave of absence form found in the school office.
Children need to be in school ready to learn by 8.55am. Being late not only affects your own child’s learning, it also disrupts other pupil’s learning and gives your child a bad start to the day. Any late pupils need to come in by the dining room door where they will be registered by the Attendance Officer.
Low attendance
Laws set by the Government means that extra intervention will be put into place to support children with attendance close to or below 90%, this means that as a school we will contact to make sure you and your child are supported to improve their attendance - this could include 1:1 mentoring/group work or involvement from a schools worker from the local authority. If attendance does not improve Fixed Penalty Notice action may be taken.