School Uniform
The school uniform which has been agreed by Parents and Governors is a royal blue sweatshirt, white polo shirt with a collar, and black or grey trousers or skirt. In the summer term, girls can wear the traditional type of blue gingham school dress. School fleeces are available but should only be worn outdoors.
Uniforms are available from both Cat Ballou and 'My Clothing'.
Cat Ballou is a specialist suppliers of school uniforms. They are located in Coventry City Centre at: 1 – 2 The Burgess, Coventry, CV1 1HN. They also have a website where uniform can be purchased:
Our School Uniform is also available to purchase from 'My Clothing'. It can only be purchased online however they do offer a free returns service if there are any problems our range of school uniform can be accessed by clicking on this web address:
Footwear – We recommend that all children wear appropriate school shoes or plain black trainers.
P.E. is a national curriculum subject and all children must participate. It is important that each child has a change of clothes for physical education and the following basic kit is recommended for all children. P.E. kits, including P.E. bag and pumps can also be purchased from Cat Ballou.
School hoodies can be ordered through the main school office.
Indoor P.E.
White t-shirt
Navy/Black shorts
If a child forgets their PE kit parents will be contacted and asked to bring their child’s PE kit into school.
Outdoor Games
Football boots or trainers - depending upon the activity
Shorts (jogging bottoms in cold weather)
T-shirt (and jumper or sweatshirt in cold weather)
Navy or Black Tracksuits are optional during the colder winter months
It is important that all clothing and footwear including Wellingtons and coats brought to school are clearly marked with your child's name. Named clothing usually finds its way back to its owner; un-named clothes cause problems and sometimes remain permanently unclaimed.
Second hand uniform
We also have available lots of second hand uniform; all of which is washed, clean and in good condition. If you wish to buy any of this (at £1 an item) please speak with Miss Collier.
Lost property is stored at the front of school. Please see your child’s class teacher or speak to the school office if you wish to look for items.