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We are the Friends and Relatives of Grangehurst School.  FROGS is Grangehurst's interpretation of a Parent Teacher Association (PTA).  Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school.  PTAs are best know for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too.  Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to work together, with all money raised via various events being reinvested in the school on things such as equipment that has been requested by the children and their 'Wish Lists'.  If you are interested in finding out more about FROGS then please feel free to contact a member of the committee, we are always looking for volunteers to help us run our events. 

Recent donations made by FROGs to school

2 activity / games tables for KS1 playground
Reading books for the whole school
Year 2 and Year 6 SATs treats
Year 6 Prom
Pantomime for the whole school
£200 for Memorial Garden at the schools main entrance
£300 towards Year 6 end of year events, such as Prom and Trips
£300 for two giant outdoor Connect4 games for lunchtime
£120 for Maths book across the school


Recent fund raised

£450 - Mother's day shop
£182.50 - Easter family event

Dates for your diary

At Grangehurst we run a variety of family events throughout the school year. This academic year we plan to hold the following events:

  • Halloween family event
  • Christmas fayre
  • Easter family event
  • Summer fete
  • Disco’s
  • Prize bingo
  • Movies and munchies
  • Mothers day gift shop and breakfast
  • Fathers day gift shop and breakfast
  • Chhristmas gift shop

You will find the dates for our events on the school ping calendar and they will also be sent out on school ping too.

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