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Year 6

Key Information

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Class Teachers

6RG - Miss Gurney

6JG - Mr Gourley

Learning Facilitators

Mrs Chouhan

PE days:

- Wednesday

- Thursday

Kit consists of black shorts or joggers and a white t shirt. If needed children can also wear a black hoody. These should be plain without logos.

Home Learning

In Year 6 homework is given out on a Friday and expected in on the following Wednesday.

Homework consists of:

- reading comprehension

- maths

- spelling


Summer 2 - English

This half term, we will continue to write a variety of short, independent pieces designed to give children the opportunity to write for a range of purposes and audiences, while bringing together the writing skills they have developed at Grangehurst.

Summer 2 Topic - Location, Location, Location (Geography)

Our new and final topic, Location, Location, Location will see us explore the human and physical features of three places: the West Midlands; Andalucia in Spain; and British Columbia in Canada. Pupils will explore the geography of each location and weigh up the pros and cons to living in each region.


Please find a copy of the SATs information presentation that was shared with parents and carers on 07.02.24.

SATs results will be included in the End of Year reports that will be sent out in July 2024.

SATs Revision

Useful links:

Mathsbot - https://mathsbot.com/primary/ks2Mini

Rollama - https://www.rollama.com/

Top Marks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing

TTRS (login details required) - https://ttrockstars.com/

LbQ (login details required) - https://www.lbq.org/Task

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