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Year 6

Key Information

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Class Teachers

6RG - Miss Gurney

6JG - Mr Gourley

Learning Facilitators

Mrs Chouhan

PE days:

- Wednesday

- Thursday

Kit consists of black shorts or joggers and a white t shirt. If needed children can also wear a black hoody. These should be plain without logos.

Home Learning

In Year 6, homework is as follows:


We ask that children read three times per week (as a minimum), with their reading journal signed by an adult to acknowledge this.


Maths homework tasks will be assigned on Learning by Questions - see your child's teacher if you need support accessing LbQ.


Spelling lists will be sent home weekly in spelling books on a Thursday. The words will be tested on the following Tuesday.


Spring 2 English

This half term, the theme of our English texts is Utopia vs. dystopia. We will firstly be reading Paradise Sands, a richly-illustrated text from Levi Pinfold which follows a young girl and her brothers who stumble upon a mysterious hotel while on a journey to visit their mother and are tempted and trapped by the dangers within. As pupils read the text, they will be faced with numerous dilemmas to respond to in the form of discussion, informal notes and formal letters. They will learn how to convey atmostphere and emotions by retelling parts of the story before creating their own narrative prequel.

Following that, children will read The Boy in The Tower by Polly Ho-Yen. Children will learn and revise many of the key grammar requirements of Year 6 and have the opportunity to apply them within short and longer written outcomes, such as warning posters, journalistic writing, letters, non-chronological reports and narrative retellings.


Spring 2 Topic

This half term, we finish our Anient Greece topic with a visit from Creaturama, where we will build our own Greek monsters. Our next topic is an Arts based unit, where children will refine their art, music and DT skills.


The dates for the Year 6 SATs are:

Monday 12th May 2025 - English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (Papers 1 and 2)

Tuesday 13th May 2025 - English Reading

Wednesday 14th May 2025 - Mathematics (Papers 1 and 2)

Thursday 15th May 2025 - Mathematics (Paper 3)

More information about SATs will be shared later in the year.


Useful Links

Mathsbot - https://mathsbot.com/primary/ks2Mini

Rollama - https://www.rollama.com/

Top Marks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing

TTRS (login details required) - https://ttrockstars.com/

LbQ (login details required) - https://www.lbq.org/Task

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