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Year 5

Key Information

Welcome to the Year 5 class page.

Class Teachers

5VP - Mrs Peach

5KH - Miss Hunter

Learning Facilitators 

Mr Wilkins

Mrs Wright (1:1 support)

PE days: Tuesday and Wednesday

Kit consists of black shorts or joggers and a white or black plain t shirt. If needed children can also wear their school, black hoody. These should be plain without logos. 

Children also take part in swimming in the Spring and Summer term on a Wednesday, with each class alternating each half term. Children require a swimming costume (no bikinis) or swimming trunks/shorts, goggles and swim cap if necessary, and a towel.

Home Learning

Homework will consist of a reading comprehension, maths linked to the week's learning and spellings. Weekly spellings will be sent home on Monday via SeeSaw and children will be tested that Friday. Maths and Reading will be online using the Learning By Questions website. Children will have individual codes to login to the tasks. They will have a due date assigned to them.

Home Reading - Reading expectation is that children are heard read at home at least 3 times a week, and the reading diary to be dated and signed by an adult, stating which pages the child has read.

Book Club

Book Club replaces Guided Reading. Each week, children will listen to or read parts of the book and then have tasks related to what they have read, be it retrieval of facts, vocabulary work or summarising events. We hope the children will enjoy these sessions and gain comprehension skills to work more independently.

hidden figures book cover

Autumn 1 English - Writing will be based on the text 'The Man Who Walked Between The Towers' by Mordicai Gerstein

Book cover

Topics for the year

Autumn 1 - Under Our Feet

This is a geography topic exploring the earth and what really is going on under our feet. The unit focuses primarily on earthquakes and volcanoes, giving children opportunities to understand the different layers of the earth and how volcanoes and earthquakes are caused.

Under our Feet

Meet the Teachers

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