Arts Units
At Grangehurst, our curriculum is placed into units of work. The Arts Units incorporate three subjects, Art, DT and Music. For each of these areas, we follow a pathway which progresses upon previous knowledge.
Our Art curriculum is based on the National Curriculum objectives and separates these into three key elements: drawing, sculpture and painting. Every year group has 4 art projects and so will complete each of these key elements at least once. The focus is based on either specific artwork or inspiration from artists.
Design and Technology
With Design and Technology, our vision was to build skills that children would need as a mindful consumer and engineer. Using this information, we focused on developing the four key objectives of DT, design, make, evaluate and technical knowledge, through the four key mediums (structures, mechanisms, food and nutrition, digital).
Our music curriculum is based on the scheme 'Withers Music'. Children will develop and progress upon their understanding of key musical elements, composers and musical performances. They will aso have the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument within these lessons.