Year 1 Core Units

Me, Myself and I
At the start of the year, children will explore their own history and local community. They will reflect on key life events, learn about their family background, and discuss changes they have experienced. As part of this topic, children will take a guided walk to observe important landmarks and discover more about their local area. This hands-on experience will help them develop a deeper connection to their surroundings while encouraging curiosity and discussion.
Sailing to St Ives
Sailing to St Ives is an exciting topic that takes children on a journey to the seaside, allowing them to compare and contrast their own community with a coastal one. Building on their prior knowledge of their local area, children will explore the geography of St Ives, learning about its landscape, climate, and key features. They will also consider what life is like in a coastal town, examining how it differs from their own experiences. Using their newfound knowledge, children will create detailed maps of St Ives, highlighting its unique characteristics and comparing them to the familiar features of their local area.

The Great Fire of London
Within this topic children will be transported back to Pudding Lane, London, 1666. Children will learn all about the cause of The Great Fire of London and why it spread so quickly; they will identify the consequences of the fire and how London changed as a result. Through exploring primary sources such as, Samuel Pepys’ diary and paintings of historic London, children will understand how we learn about significant events beyond living memory.