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Year 2 Core Units

UK to Kenya

UK to Kenya

Children will be immersed in Kenyan life in this globetrotting topic.  Starting with further developing their understanding of their locality and the weather they experience and then jet setting to another continent.  Children will explore Kenya, a country closer to the equator and compare their life to that of Kenyan life.  Within this, children will develop their Geography skills and knowledge of the world through learning the world is divided into 7 continents and 5 oceans as well as further developing their geographical vocabulary.

Queen of the Castle

All hail the Queen! Within this topic children will learn about the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, and how they contributed to national and international achievements.  Children will compare aspects of daily life including, school life and houses across these two time periods.  When exploring the life of the Queen’s, children will develop their understanding of castles, their different features and purposes.

Queen of the Castle
Lets Take Flight

Lets Take Flight

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