Year 6 Core Units

Location, Location, Location
Meet the Spencer’s, an average family who are thinking of relocating. Within this topic children will explore in depth three diverse localities around the world. Using their map skills, children will explore topographical features and research human features, such as economic activity and trade links. Taking their research into account, children will pitch to each other the locality they feel will best meet the family’s needs.
Ancient Greece
Explore the rich world of Ancient Greece, where groundbreaking ideas in culture, politics, and philosophy began. Children will uncover the powerful city-states of Athens and Sparta, the origins of democracy, and the excitement of the Olympic Games. They’ll learn about the everyday lives of the Greeks, from their homes and food to their achievements in art, science, and technology. By examining artefacts and historical records, children will see how these accomplishments still influence the world today.

World War 2
Journey back to World War II, a period that reshaped the world and touched the lives of millions. Children will explore the causes, key events, and the profound impact on people’s lives. They’ll discover how the war changed everyday life—from evacuation and rationing to the vital roles women played on the home front. They’ll delve into the stories of significant figures like Winston Churchill and Anne Frank, and investigate pivotal moments through primary sources, such as letters and photographs. Through these, children will uncover the courage and resilience shown during this challenging period.